Greetings readers,
We know it’s been a while since we’ve been able to run the regular newsletter. Time constraints meant we had to choose between original research and updates/roundups. Both have value, so Hoaxlines looked at different ways to do the newsletter without it limiting our ability to do research.
Newsletter Makeover
The latest newsletter is now waiting and ready for you to read.
Unlike the old one, this isn’t static, so articles will be removed from the site when they are two weeks or older.
The format is more intuitive and, hopefully, a better experience for readers.
We haven’t determined the frequency we will send this, so please use the form to tell us what would be most helpful to you.
Hoaxlines response form
Please let us know what you think.
We’ve also created a form for readers to better communicate with us. You may leave a suggestion, send a complaint, tell us about disinformation you see online, or recommend content for inclusion in the database or newsletter.