Networks boosting coronavirus disinformation seize on new vaccine requirements
One response to the new vaccine requirements has been the belief that it is a shift toward authoritarianism despite the lengthy precedent in US history.
For the duration of the pandemic, disinformation has caused both domestic and foreign geopolitical conflict. Much of the content circulates on websites that cite and publish each other in return, creating a self-reinforcing network, sometimes called an echo chamber, that can warp our impression of reality.

One response to the new vaccine requirements has been the belief that it is a shift toward authoritarianism, despite the lengthy precedent in US history. That so many have this impression may relate to the relentless vaccine disinformation circulating through websites rated low to very low quality on the Iffy Index of unreliable sources, like Children’s Health Defense, DC Dirty Laundry, and Zero Hedge, a pro-Kremlin outlet that boosts disinformation.
Below, Hoaxlines has included examples of narratives that have been heavily sown on the edges of right-leaning and conspiracy-minded media.